Haha. I’m currently on the plane, and since there’s no internet.
I’m writing this on Microsoft Word so I can copy&paste it to my blog laters!
My phone won’t even work ,shiet. >:[
Teehee. I’m watching SpongeBob Squarepants. I love SpongeBob. (:
Bleeeeh. I wanted to talk to my girliefrand on the plane, but I have no service.
They say the flight will only take 4 hours and 14 minutes.
I don’t like the number four. D=
I’m so mad, the airport didn’t sell any Arizona Iced Tea.
I’m kinda dizzy. I hope I have internet in Virginia.
Also, Jennifer Nguyen is coming here too, next month.
Hopefully, we meet up and hang out of California. :O
Haha. I’m juss gonna play games on my laptop now.
I would play Sims2, but then it’s kinda embarrassing cuhs people can see.
I’m so tired. I slept at 3AM and woke up at 6AM.
Now I’m watching MTV. It’s talking about Coney Island. (:
I’ve been to Coney Island once with my mom. It’s really fun. I should go again.
This blog is gonna be boring cuhs I’m so distracted watching RoomRaiders.
I’ve been watching iCarly for the past 2 hours. I actually like it.
How old are these characters anyways? They look like kids.
Man, I’m a little kid. It’s fucking cold.
I am REALLY cold. My nose is chilly.
I got free chips and a Sprite. Yayyyy for free food!
Okay, back to watching iCarly. :D
Stuck in traffic right now. At times like this, I wish I had WiFi.
I’m currently listening to my iPod with the JetBlue headphones.
They were $1 at the airport, but this nice white man gave them to me for free.
I’m really starting to appreciate white people nowadays.
Hopefully, this airport traffic rush won’t last long becuhs I’m really hungry.
I called my girliferand juss a while ago. Made me feel much better.
I’m taller than my mom. :O It’s been 2 years.
Listening to Hide and Seek.<3>
I’m getting really fond of these headphones.
They’ve been with me for the past 5 hours, and it’s way better then my jacked up earphones.
Well, I’ll update laters! I’m gonna go play some computer games.
I finally got my hands on some internet. I'm at my momma's friend's house.
They're making me food! :D
I'll try to update throughout the summer.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Posted by JaniceYang at 4:36 PM 0 comments
What am I supposed to do?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I was hoping you'd fall in love with me the second time I came around.
Today was SO tiring. I went out to eat with Ms.E at Brodard Chateau.
She dropped me off at my boyfrand, Arimi's house.
I had like massive diarrhea at her house because I ate too much at Brodard. It was so sad.
I even prayed to God to save me and help my tummy not hurt while sitting on the toilet.
After that whole scene was over, I talked with my boyfrand. I've missed her.
Then my dad said he was coming home early, so I rushed out.
I stopped by Sk's house.
The first thing he says to me when he sees me, "Why are you so short?"
I rushed to the bus station, but no bus was coming so I fast walked to the next bus station.
There was a 20 year oldish man waiting, so I asked him when the bus would come.
He started talking to me and shiet, and I told him I had to go home cuhs my dad didn't know I was out.
He asked me where I lived. Eeeek. I told him that I lived in the Korean district. D=
I also noticed he had a fucking erection when he was talking to me. So scary! T____T
I got off the bus and ran home and talked to bf on the phone.
Then my phone ran out of batteries and turned off on her. >:O
My dad didn't bring me sushi. ):
Well, I should start packing for Monday! && call my mommy.<3
Posted by JaniceYang at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Headache and Sore feet
Friday, June 26, 2009
ARGHHH so damn tired. This blog is for my biff. And the girliefrand.
So like last night, I slept at around 1AM. This morning I fucking woke up at 9AM.
I was so tired and grouchy. >:[
I couldn't decide on what to wear. It was stressing me out.
I kept getting distracted by something in the sea.
After finally showering and straightening my hair, I imed Jay up and we walked to Arirang to get Lisa a gift.
My feet hurt so much! And fucking Jay didn't even help me and I bought him chips too. JERK.
At Arirang Market, I played the toy-crane machine game, and I won a TURTLE! Kinda ugly, but still.
Man, I swear I have killer skills at toy-crane machines. The claw grabbing shit, you know?
Jay came to my house and I ate my Teriyaki stick with my Arizona and he was making fun of me.
Then I walked to gf's house. But I got lost, and ended up talking to an old white man.
He was really nice. We talked about loud Vietnamese ladies, Korean markets, BGHS, fish, and Gran Torino.
After, I had to run my ass to Marjorie's house and THIS my friend, is where it gets bad.
Marjorie's mom was hella pissed cuhs she knew Marjorie's bf was gonna be there.
Well, when they finally came, I WAS FUCKING SQUISHED. We all were.
The backseat is meant for three passengers. Not four.
It was Ryan, me, Marjorie, and Marjorie's bf. I was dying.
You know what the best part is? I got in the car at about 5, I got out at 7.
Yeah, I spent two fucking hours cramped in the backseat of a smallass stuffy car.
I kinda felt bad cuhs the guy called Sleepy was driving around the whole entire place.
We were going on freeways and shit, and I was so confused and pissed the whole entire time. =/
I posted this part on FML, but I don't think they'd choose mine.
We ended up at West mall and shiet he started driving towards SanDiego, I was so scared.
Knott's was pretty fun. My head hurts a lot though.
I rode this scary Dragon Swing thing. Waaaaah so scary, and little kids were having fun.
And after, we rode La Revolcion. Monica was my buddy. We got the scary side. I was screaming so loud.
After this was Jaguar. It was so scary, and this little girl was like laughing and stuff.
I'm such a pussy, but by that time, my head was like pounding.
After that, they went to ride this REALLY scary ride, so Kevin and I went to Camp Snoopy and rode Woodstock's Airmail. I was sitting next to these little girls and I was yelling "I'm scared Kevin!" And they laughed at me. D=
After was Silver Bullet. Silver Bullet never ceases to amaze me. I was smiling in the picture thing.
We rode it when it was dark out. I could see all the lights and cars up in the air. I fucking love it.
Then we went on log ride. Twice. Ahaha. I love the log ride, but I hate having to spread my legs!
Pony Express was the last ride. I love it too! xD
It was so tiring. My head hurt so much and my feet too. But I had fun.
I got home and showered and ate a late ass dinner. I still have a headache. )=
Posted by JaniceYang at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Need some sleep;
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Eric is keeping me company while I wait for this night to end.
Here's a glimpse of a Mak and Yang production. My favorites!
Has a tragedy ever happened in your life?
Janice: I found out my dad and stepmom are having sex on the bed I'm sleeping on. D:
Eric: .. dude
Janice: I know
Eric: That's nasty.
Janice: I know
Eric; What I just found out from Janice
Janice: I know. =/
Are there some songs you cant listen to because they remind you of someone?
Janice: Fuck that! I listen to songs I want to listen to, and if somebody I don;'t want to think about pops up, I beat the living crap outta them and listen to my good music.
Janice: I'm not a sailor. :[
Eric: You're a sailor.
Are you happy with where you are relationship-
Janice: I don't wanna be single. -CRIESSS-Eric help me, my eyes are twitching. I think I'm insomnic!
Eric; Yeah I am. Janice I've been helping you!. You're not an insomniac. :P
Janice: Now I'm a maniac? I sad nic; not niac! ARG.
Eric: What the hell is an insomnic?
Janice: Person who can't sleep.
Eric: That's an insomniac...
Should chauvinists of either gender be in a relationship?
Janice: The hell is a chauvititties? Some zucchini sucking monsters?
Eric; No. Wait. Take that back, they're not my life.
Janice: hat life?
Eric; The chauvinists that decide to get into relationships.
Janice: What are they? Cannibals?
Eric: People who are really biased and devote themselves to a group, cause, or attitude.
Janice: Oh sounds like zucchini sucking monsters to me.
Posted by JaniceYang at 1:05 AM 0 comments
Who Am I to Say?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I'm sick. My back is killing me. My head hurts. My throat is sore. My heart is aching.
I can't seem to lie down. If I don't distract myself, I'll lie and stir about thinking.
Distracting myself seems to help me hurt less emotionally, but not physically.
I'd rather be hurt outside, but why does it have to be both my body and my heart?
I'm so foolish, wrapped in stupidity. I wish he would call me. Still waiting.
The future scares me now. I always looked forward to it, but it's so frightening.
I still can't wait to move out, but I feel as if I lost everything.
If this depression is something because I'm mentally sick or some shit, I wish somebody would cure it.
I miss smiling. When he asked why I was always so happy, I told him, I really wasn't.
But this? It's so much worse. I wish I could be myself again.
I need to talk to something/someone other than this blog. Other than myself.
Help. I hate this feeling of loss and emptiness. Take me back to last week.
But then, who would understand? I don't even know why I feel this way.
Posted by JaniceYang at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Relationships and Anchor Blue jeans
Monday, June 15, 2009
Damnit! I've been craving Photostickers for so long.
You, whoever took my girliefrand's jeans that I personally went shopping with him to get, FUCK YOU.
I hope you get raped by a monkey who has AIDS and dies.
Don't steal from poor Asian kids, steal from the mall, dipshits.
Well. No plans tomorrow. What to do at tutor for 1237 hours now?
My boobs hurt. I miss cuddles. I think my spider named Spidey died.
Omgoshhh I remember how in credit recovery, they all used to call me "kinky". SHOOT!
Okay. I don't think this will be genuine because my dad's gonna come home soon and scare the crap outta me and yell at me, BUT! here it goes.
Oh man. It's been already 5 months since I've been out of a relationship.
Single life was tough man! I cried a whole bunch. And whenever creepy people hit on me, I didn't have the excuse of "my bf will kick your fucking ass so STFU and GTFO".
I swear people are getting creepier and hornier these days. :[ Buy yourself some sex dolls. D=
Realtionships, ay yah yah. Janice dear, you suck at it.
You know what I like most in a relationship? When you get past the awkward and semi scared semi shy stage.
When you can juss change in front of that person. Sing in front of that person.
When you can cry, laugh, eat, and do everything without being embarassed.
I'm an imperfect mess. No guy would be able to accept me.
Too short; too fat. Too loud; too quiet. Too perverted; too naive. God, save me.
One day, I wish some guy would be able to step into my child-sized Converse and see things from my point.
But then, my feet are small, they wouldn't fit.
And if they did... you know what they say about guys with small feet! D;
Posted by JaniceYang at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I can't sleep. I'm redoing this blog.
My brain is over analyzing, over thinking.
I'm so confused. I haven't stepped onto this ground for more than a year already.
It's got me so bewildered and frightened-like some deer caught in headlights.
I've got this tingly warmth in myself. x____x
No it's not butterflies in my tummy, dear. I save that for kisses.
I think it might be karma disguised as a joke.
I think it might be a present wrapped in a pretty bow.
But, it's probably that bitch, Karma knocking on my door.
D.H. even said his tone sounds sarcastic. Eye.dee.kay.
That's kind of a relief since I don't deserve this feeling from someone.
Still... We'll see. I hope it ravels and unwraps nicely.
I hope it helps me erase pain and allows me to draw a line between Now and the Past.
Don't be to rash, it may be nothing at all.
I like sushi!<3
Pinky promises kept: next best thing from chocolate chip waffles.
Posted by JaniceYang at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Thinking, "Oh is it love?"
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Oh dear, it's been hardly a moment and you are already missed.
There is still a bit of your skin that I have yet to have kissed.
Oh dear, it's been hardly three days yet I'm longing to feel your embrace.
There are several days until I can see your sweet face.
It's preposterous-my feelings.
Oh it is love.<3
Posted by JaniceYang at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Oh dear!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I think I'm sad most when I'm in the pathetic "iminlikewithyou" stage. So tell me you love me.<3
He came home and said hi to me and took a piss and sat himself in front of the TV.
What the hell. My bestfriend loves the Lakers, my girliefrand loves them, and now my dad.
And fuck you Magics. Fuck you for missing the shot and making it go overtime. Bitches.
Now I have to wait another 20 minutes for my damn food.
Posted by JaniceYang at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Thanks J for being as nice as you can be. It's nearly impossible for you to be nice to me, but you always knows when I'm feeling sad and tells me to feel better. (:
Heyeyey! AYYY!
Look at what friiking Woojin drew me. Right click, view to enlarge!
Woojin: hehe u like it?
Janice: wtf is wrong with my hair though?
Woojin: i made an afro =D
Woojin: so we'll look gangsta
He cracks me up. xD
Let's get the Finals over with. Let's get school over with. I'm so exhausted.
Posted by JaniceYang at 10:57 PM 0 comments
This is for you Mommy.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Mommy, I miss you. I miss God. I miss how I was a troublesome kid, yet pure at heart.
I miss how we could talk and bake cookies and tan in our backyard.
I miss dancing with you and singing with you and making shure you always ate dinner.
Are you eating dinner everynight, mom?
I pray to God asking him to watch over you and keep you safe and to make shure you were eating enough.
I wish we didn't have to live like this.
Haha. I remember how we used to fight over crabs everytime we had them for dinner. Ohmygiraffe!
I miss attempting to crack coconuts with hammers with you.
I miss almost burning the house down while trying to roast seaweed in the oven with you.
I miss how hard you tried to spoil me even if you weren't made up of money.
I love how you loved me the most out of everything in this whole world.
I love how you kept through. I love how you threw your life away to make mine better.
I love how instead of dying that Christmas Eve, you clung on to life as hard as you could because you heard me crying for you. I love that you're so petite yet you have great strength.
I'm sorry I caused so much tears, blood, and sweat to fall from you.
I wish I could just pour my heart out to you. Tell you everything. Bleeeh. FML for not being able to speak Korean well.
I'm sorry I chose to stay here with Dad. I'm sorry I chose to stay far from you.
I'm sorry I was so bad you had to send me here.
I scorned at my life back then. I thought it was so horrible.
But you always worked for me, you let me out, you let me come home after midnight, you let me have sleepovers, you told me bedtime stories, you shared your clothes with me.
I took advantage of it huh? I'm sorry I disappointed you so much that day.
I made you cry so much. I made you so sick. I filled you with pain and agony. I'm sorry.
But I have to tell you, I don't regret it. I wish to talk it with you and tell you about it.
You told me we should have no secrets. I've kept some from you because I was scared you'd be mad.
I know now I can tell you everything. You've always been on my side.
You still will be even if I massacre thousands of people.
I'm sorry I made you jealous. I'm sorry I loved somebody else more than you.
I hate how I spent 13 years of my life with you, and after 2 years, I don;t even know what you look like.
I hate how I ranted about you and talked bad about you to my friends. I guess I was immature.
And people may not know, and I may have forgotten myself, but I'm so darn religious.
I'm kind of scared the idea of God is slipping from my fingers. I'm trying so hard not to let it go.
You'll be so disappointed in me if you knew this.
I'm so scared I'm going to go to hell for what I've done in my life. The idea is so scary. I cry if I think of it.
I even told you about my fear of death and eternal life.
Is that wrong? It's overwhelming to think of forever and ever with no end.
See? I'm crying and trembling now juss thinking of a forever.
Sigh. I don't know what to do with life. I get so caught on everyday things.
Remember we made a bet. Whoever laughs or cries because of seeing one another will lose! :D
I won't lose to you. Teehee. I can't wait to see you.
I'm so thankful I actually have you in my life. Even if you're far away, and even if you separated from dad.
I feel bad for others who can;t have a mom to share happiness with you. I love you.<3
Posted by JaniceYang at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Cuhs loving you ain't that hard.
1. I've been in love with the song I'm Sprung by T-Pain ever since 5th grade.
2. I'm in a really bad mood right now. I think I'm going to cry. And also I didn't get to eat sushi today.
3. I hope my lucky number seventh kiss is special.
4. I really want to watch Hills Have Eyes. I've been craving to see mutated ugly people eating humans for the past week. I know, I'm corrupted. If I don't get to see it tomorrow, my week will suck.
5. I really should stop lagging and read about the fucking circulatory/respiratory system. It's soooo long though.
6. My intestines hurt because Nhu smacked me in my sensitive place today. :[
7. I rarely drink coke. It's all about Dr. Pepper. Lemme go get me a can of coke. I know it's disappointing.
8. I always wander about hallways and sidewalks feeling empty.
9. I've only been to Six Flags once. I've only been to Busch Gardens once. I've never been to Kings Dominion.
10. I'm really frightened when I turn on my blow dryer to high. I always put my back on the wall and sit down so I can see the mirror, closet door, and underneath the bed. So if something pops out to eat me, I can juss turn off my blow dryer.
11. I get excited over small things. Ex. nightlights. -____-
12. I have no idea where my future is heading, but I can't fucking wait for it.
13. I am dreadfully terrified of death. I wish I had someone to talk about my huge fear with. D:
14. I'm also scared of pregnancy, but that's okay. I can't wait to create a miracle and a baby one day.
15. I squirt bugs with body splash until they die or call my dad to kill them. If there's no other choice, I wrap my hands with a whole bunch of toilet paper, get a newspaper and whack the motherfucker til it's dead.
16. I really want stuff from Pinkygirl.
17. I'm so mad that all my parents do for me is feed me and send me to freaking tutor. They haven't bought me an item of clothing for over a year, so I have to literally starve myself so I can save money. They promised me allowance if I bought things I needed with it, but they stopped giving me my normal hundred and they don't even buy me necessities. How am I going to survive? D:
18. My dad told me I was going to get sick and die because I spent all day on the computer on weekends. What the fuck? You're the one that grounded me. It's your fault. I could be running around outside getting fresh air right now. >:O
19. I'm still really pissed at whoever stole my pink Etnies. Really pissed.
20. I find it disturbing that Mr.Tonthat has a fucking hickey. Yuck. I had no balls to ask him about it.
21. I really want that humongous expensive teddy bear from Morning Glory.<3
22. I'm still feeling sad even while I'm doing this. )=
23. My boobs hurt a lot these days.
24. No matter how much I spew about my dad, stepmom, and mom, I really do appreciate them and love them. They're juss really stupid unreasonable at times.
25. I really really wish I could ahve a sex talk with my mom.
26. I want to buy UP on DVD and I haven't even watched it yet. I'd probably cry watching it.
27. I miss watching The Land Before Time movies and fireflies.
28. It seems I'm always wishing for the past. The past is my obsession. I'm scared that even while I'm free of my parents' grasps, I'd look back to this year and yearn for it.
29. Todd's a creep. He imed me out of nowhere asking if I had a boyfriend. Pffft. ^_________^
30. I've always wanted to build a huge igloo in snow and go inside and pretend I'm an eskimo.
31. I love dogs. I don't think dogs like me.
32. I miss Mimi. Even if she used to hump my leg, scratch the shit outta me, make fun of my eyes, steal my food, and poop in front of my door on purpose so I'd step on it with bare feet.
33. I want to cuddle. So bad right now. I need cuddles when I'm sad. FML.
34. Who the fuck wants me? Creep. :[
35. I want to play Sorry. In a room with light colored, smooth wooden floors. And a window has to be on the side with sun shining through. I'd be so happy to play it with the guy I like at that moment I'm playing it.
36. Who the fuck is Young, and why would such a hot looking guy want to get with me? o___o Stop it Todd.
37. I lie. I lie a lot to protect myself from getting hurt. I've lied a lot to make myself look like a bitch so that person wouldn't know how much I hurt and what I felt + thought.
38. I'm pretty pathetic when it comes to guys. I make a fool out of myself.
39. I'm also a shallow bitch when it comes to guys.
40. He actually admitted he was staring at my boobs. Now he's asking me if that made me mad. No. No I'm not mad. I'm so darn used to it now. That's the only reason why you guys give me a second glance isn't it? I wish I was flat.
Posted by JaniceYang at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Eggrolls for breakfast
Saturday, June 6, 2009
After my stepmom left, I rushed in the shower and got ready as quickly as possible.
After Hanna Jung called, I sneaked out wearing my new 4$ shoes. Those bitches hurt like hell. T0T;;
So we met up in front of Hanam Chain and went to go play pool.
It was soooo fun even though I fucking sucked! I was on Woojin's team; Hanna was on Danny's.
We had a practice round first, then the first round. We won on the first round because Danny hit the black 8ball in.
We decided on a best 2 out of 3 game and on the second game, Woojin and I were losing miserably.
Hanna and Danny had only one more ball left to shoot while we had 5.
We thought we were doomed (losers had to pay) until.... Hanna hit the black 8ball in. Automatic win!
The video took forever to load. Watch in the end, Woojin runs around in victory and we celebrate! :D
Oh and this video is the first round.
Hahaha. It was pretty fun. I played arcade games after with Hanna.

And after that we went to karaoke. Ding Dong Dang.

Then while Hanna and Danny were singing, Woojin and I tried on a whole bunch of wigs. It looks so funny. x]
I looked at it and I almost pissed on myself from laughing.

The guys restroom was super pretty with mirrors and I could see like a gazillion Janices and Woojins.

Then they walked me home, and on the way home
Danny piggy backed me for a while since my shoes were killing me.
And then it felt weird so I got off and we played Ninja while Hanna and Woojin made fun of us since they're jealous that they don't know how to play.
Danny smacked my hand super hard while playing Ninja. D=
Paco saw me limping home and he texted me asking what was wrong with my leg. HAHAH.
I got home and ate Lee's Sandwiches left over from the afternoon.
Whewwww. My feet hurt so much.
Posted by JaniceYang at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
School's always boring. I like kicking Arimi's locker.
It makes me feel strong when nobody else can kick it shut, but I can! :D
After school, I walked 2.9 miles to Card Stop to give a stupid ticket to THE girliefrand.
I was so pissed off. Haha. Woojin was on GoogleEarth stalking me. xD And giving me directions.
Blehhh. And after I gave the ticket to gf and shittt, he got mad at me.
I stomped away and into Payless to try on shoes for the heck of it.
This nice lady was like oh that's cute, when I tried on these shoes. They look OKAY.
She got it for me since it was on sale for 8$ and also it was buy one get one 50% off so it was 4$.
Whatta nice lady. I went back to Card Rush and got hit on by scary people. So I told them I like girls not guys. :[
Then Jay came to pick me up and I had to buy him Wendy's.
Janice: Jay, you're so skinny? How can I be skinny like you?
Janice: Jay, you're so pretty. How can I be pretty like you?
Jay: Stop being ugly!
He is a jerk jerk jerk!
I couldn't go bowling with Noel and Phoebe today, cuhs I had no money. :[
Cuhs I spent it on Jay and on lunch today in school.
Bestfrand, never talks to me that much anymore. I miss you bestfrand.
I'm so tired.
Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me.
Posted by JaniceYang at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
This morning, I woke up, thought to myself, "I really want some white underwear."
And then went to eat my daily breakfast of chocolate chipped waffles.
Credit Recovery is now officially over. I'm probably gonna miss it.
Mr. A always helping me on my tests/quizzes, people fighting for food, hockey, and etc. xD
Today, I was gonna go to the office to ask how I could make up my hours, but the counselor wasn't there.
I came back like 5 minutes later, and tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge!
I pulled harder and a teacher walked past and looked at me.
I thought he was gonna help me open it, so I pulled the door again.
While I was struggling, he goes to the door and picks up the chain that holds the door closed and shakes it at me.
I was so embarrassed. >_________<;; I hope I can get good grades this last quarter. Sophomore year, I will try. Definitely.
I'll have an empty binder with all my old paper thrown away.
I can be organized again! Hahaha. And then 3 weeks later, my binders a mess again. D"=
I still can't wait for summer.
I can sleepover at Soo's place every single fucking day and meet her bf and swim with them Fairfax Square kids.
I get to see Sophia Xue, my boo. We can act like a bunch of retards in public places again.
I came home, and it turns out my stepmom bought me new undies! I have a white undie now. Yay! I swear I am a psychic! (:
Tina Ho stop being a stalker and go make your own blog. I know mine would be way better than yours.
I'm unusually happy today.... :D
Posted by JaniceYang at 7:01 PM 0 comments