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Thursday, July 16, 2009

I think I'll start to write bigger. It's more appealing.
It's 1:21AM and I swear to my toes that I am an insomniac.
My biff is being a total arsehole JERL. Go kick him.
YOU ARE A BAD BIFF. I miss you biff.

Janice: "haha. i trust steven. with my whole heart"
Janice: what is that? did you say those words were BLACK?!
Steven: nooo!
Steven: they're gold!
Steven: golden words
I have pimples all over my face. D:
I've never had this many pimples on my face all at once. FML.
Okay well, yesterday night was horrible. I laid there crying, unable to fall asleep.
Maybe this is why I hate sleeping so much now.
Because it makes me think of scary, sad, or unbearable thoughts. =/

Why won't you care? Listen? See me cry? Fuck.
I'm scared of commitment, but not with you.
I'm scared of commitment in fear of losing everything of you.
But I'm never afraid to commit to you. I devote.

I really hate myself for fucking things up. FUCKFUCKFUCK.
I just want to be a clamorous girl being all up in your face telling you, "Look at me."
I can't. I've already accepted you looking down on me.
Why am I still doing this?
February. March. April. May. June.
This is the 6th month, but will it ensure I walk off for good?
I'm almost there. Distractions. I bury myself in distractions.

I'm okay now. That's my spazzing out moments.

Where are we? What the hell is going on?
The dust has only just began to form.
Crop circles in the carpet.
Sinking. Feeling.
Spin me round again, and rub my eyes.
This can't be happening.
When busy streets, a mess with people.
Would stop to hold their heads heavy.

I'm scared I'll never get married and have my own children to mollycoddle.
I'm scared I'll never have the job of a therapist I've yearned for.
Never be nascent, never be nubile.

Today I woke up at 7:54AM. I studied and fell asleep at 9.
I woke up at 1 and listened to Utada Hikaru for almost the whole day.