My bf is so fun to play with.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hmm let's see.
1. Today we played hockey together. He's so scary. Injured like 3 people playing and broke one of the hockey sticks by swining it! He could beat me up in 2 seconds! :[
2. We ate spaghetti and meatballs together.
3. Hmmm we played in the playground and he tried helping me with math except we kept distracting each other.
4. We visited the scary public restroom. Toilet is so scary when it flushes. D:
5. We played inside the pretty private playground and played on the swings. He FELL off while I was sitting on him on the swings and I bumped my head. )':
6. We made tribal cannibal people noises in the tunnel. Aiee yah yah yah! Awoooogah. Humnahhumnahh! LOLLLL.
7. He's so sweet, he draws on car windows with me.<3


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I like it when John laughs with me.
I don't like it when John makes me feel guilty.
I like it when John ties my shoelaces for me.
I don't like it when John makes me fall in puddles.
I like it when John slams me into cars.
I don't like it when John pushes me away.
I like it when John holds my big umbrella.
I don't like it when John hits me with my umbrella.
I like it when John helps me with homework.
I don't like it when John goes to take a nap like a lil baby.
I like John. (:

but I don't like how stupid he was not to know they had Nillas @ Target! >:O

I never knew blue Mountain Dew existed until I stole some from Jay Lee

Monday, January 25, 2010

Great. Now I have fucking eyeliner on my sleeves.
Seriously, when was the last time I've cried over my mistakes rather than over a guy?
You really are something, aren't you?



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dear Sophiaboo,
Why did I make such tremendously wrong decisions at such a young age? I took the wrong road down. =/ So where am I now? Lost? Will you come find me? I'm on Acacia Ave. 9900. Upstairs. One number above 69. Maybe if I get out, I'll be okay. But right now I'm not.

It's Sunday.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dear Sophiaboo,
For some reason, I'm not in a good mood. I don't know why, maybe it's the rain. The rain always leaves me with a trace of gloom and melancholy. Haha, I'm actually doing what I said I would-writing a Sophiaboo blog. Feel special. I'm sitting in bed listening to Utada Hikaru's music. My toes are cold, and I hate it when my toes are cold. Not even all the candy John got me is making me feel better. It just makes me feel like a bloated pig. Thinking about all the sugar and sodium circulating my bloodstreams kind of sickens me. But gosh, this is some really good candy. Sophia, I feel like everyday is the sameold. It hasn't changed, not one bit. I still don't have my privacy and freedom. Do you know how it feels to be rushed, even if you have the time in the world? To have to pull down your shorts as fast as you can and scramble into a tight pair of jans fearing the door might fling open any second? I do, and I hate it. It raises my stress level, I'm certain it does. That's why I got staphylococcus locus in my right eye during the summer. It's not because of my contacts, maybe my mascara played a tiny role, and maybe Jayj did too, but the doctor announced it was stress. Not it was most likely becuase of stress, but simply becuase I was way too stressed for way too long, and my body couln't take it, so my eyeball exploded or some shit. This PLACE. This Goddamned hell of a place fucking turned my right eyeball into a red monster. Getting my red blood cells to fucking try to scar my eye and make me blind? Shit. Damn, I finished the 2 fruit roll ups he gave me. Now I'm more sad. Sorry, off topic. I feel so ashamed. I don't know, but coming here turned me into this... this monster. I'm not even overexaggerating. I don't even know what I am anymore. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have people like you pulling me back towards earth. Me? Down to earth? Down to earth, my ass. I seem to always drift off into space, maybe sometimes I don't want to come back down from all the twinkling little starsup above the world so high. When people think, "What the hell is wrong with this girl?"or "What's her problem?" or maybe even "Why is she like this?", they won't even know half of the story. Maybe you'd know part of it because you've gone through something similar to me as well.
But this is old news, I've pushed it back. I'm not gloomy because of this whole THING, I'm grumpy because of the weather. That's it. So rain rain go away. Come again tomorrow. And the next day and the next. My week I know, it won't be going too well until this rain stops and I snap out of this stage. I can't go back to smiling and not being all anal until the sun comes out now, can I?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It was a long day yesterday. On Friday, I actually fell asleep at Noel's house and was woken up at 8AM to a shitload of missed calls and my neice standing in Noel's backyard. LOL.
So Grace came over to my place while Noel proceeded to go back to sleep.
Grace watched her Korean shows while I roamed the web and gushed over the cute photostickers I took the other day.
After Grace left, I sat in bed like a lazy bum until Sandy called and said to come biking with them.
I ran to the shower, and let Sandy and Helen come in.
They ate rice right out of my rice cooker, and Sandy drank Dr. Pepper out of one of my bowls. LOL.
So I sat behind Sandy on the seat that only supports 25 kg. I weigh like 49 kilo, man.
Hmm went to Sandy's and I ran a mile on her treadmill in 16 minutes while eating Swedish Fish.
Biked Helen home, then I got to cruise on the other bike instead of sitting behind Sandy.
We found a random toilet that some Asian family probably threw out.
I took a piss in it cuhs Sandy dared me to. LOL.
Then cruised around and we went back to her house and I washed my hands cuhs I felt dirty peeing in the public in a toilet that was being thrown away. HAHAH.
Then my babe came to pick me up and walked me home. But he always stalls me like an hour when he walks me home. Ahaha.<3

I got in trouble. )=
So now I'm grounded.


Monday, January 11, 2010

I don't have time for shit like this. I can't run away from you. For some reason, I won't allow myself to speed away as fast as I ca in the opposite direction. I stick around, so can't you just stop torturing me? How can I label you as a friend. You think you're that great and Godly? Fuck that, you're horrible. You're like like fucking scum on the sidewalks. Disgusting, filthy, dirty. Ugh. Thinking of you makes my blood run.

I trusted you with EVERYTHING. Literally EVERYTHING.
I fucking loved your ass.
But you've been fooling me from the start.

AGHHH. I hate you I hate you.
Whoever invented French as a language should go die. D:
Wait they're dead already, but what the fuck.

Stop putting me in these situations.
I've been going through this since when? Third grade?
I'm so tired of it. I'm exhausted really.
It just sucks all my happiness and energy away from my body.
And makes me really hungry.
And sad. Why can't you two have at least a tiny tad of sanity in your system?
I'm not the adult. I'm not responsible for you're fucked up whatever it is.
I shouldn't be doing shit for either of you.

Where are you? Did you die? D;

And what I answer will yet be told to another living soul.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Still not happy on a full stomach? That's a little odd.
Why do you have to come in, questioning everything that I've tried to erase.
So that my memories and mistakes can resurface and haunt me?
I think I know what's going to happen.

I went to karaoke with my niece today.<3
We went in our pajamas.
Haha sang B2ST songs.<33333
Throat hurts.

Chestnuts undercooked;

I'm so unsatisfied. I will be until I can find it in my heart to move on.
I'm trying to listen to other people's advice, but why is it so hard?
To erase you. To try not to be upset. To try and live like you do.
To not feel down when our eyes meet, and I can't even stutter one simple "hi".

This is so sad! ); It's a kittycat like me. Feel so bad for her.
Haha freaking Gilbert always aiming me up and showing me weird ass sad asian videos.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I am so miserable right now.
And I don't fucking care. I'm going to cry like the crybaby I am.