Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You are very very cute, but so boring. )= I think I'm giving up until I turn 20. (;

Yesterday, I saw the sickest shit ever.
No not sick as in cool, but sick as in dayum nasty shit.
Enough to make me feel like my eyeballs pop out.
Steven K. asked me what was wrong.
And said this video would cheer me up.
I watched it and halfway through my jaw wouldnt shut.
My hands were covering my mouth and my eyes were like popping out.
Then I yell at him and say it didn't make me feel better.
And I was freaking out going ew ew ew ew ew.
Then he's all, "See? Different emotion than sadness."
Motherfucker. I should egg his house. UGHHHH. Thinking about it makes my skin crawl.
And after, he sent me a video of a man killing a rabbit. T_____T

I'm still pissed on how people can say things about blogs calling them one-sided.
Hello? My blog. My words. My thoughts.
It's not like I'm gonna write in the perspective of the reader's eyes.

I got so full off of noodles and hot choco.
Tiffany laughed at me cuhs I said choco and not cocoa. )=
I love love love that art store her brother took us.

I really really miss you. A lot.
I'd choose you over so many people.
No matter what your age, height, style, taste, and etc may be.
It'd be you. Besides my niece and my boo.
We never hang out. We never talk much anymore.
I shall sneak you over and you can sleep in my closet then come out at night.
Then we can make a blanket pillow fort and watch movies on my laptop.
Then next day, hit Ktown and the Block.
Teehee would be the best day ever.<3
Until that day, I'll wait. (:


Ahaha. I'm laughing so much because ahaha. Ahaha. I really don't care.
And I don't care who you like. And who you hate.
And whether you think I'm obnoxious and strange because, I really don't give a fuck about you.
But I'd like for you to still think I care. Better to keep you on my sidelines for the future. Don't you think?

I am over you. Or so I keep telling myself that. =/
Why did you have to blast into my life. Nudge, probe and delight me with such entertainment and happiness?
Urggg. I kind of broke the promise I made to you.
And at the moment I broke it, I felt like I lost a battle or killed someone.
But it's all good. Why can't you come fleeting back into my life and my days?
cuhs dayummm you are cute. ;]

Why are you tormenting me so?
I always look forward to my class because of you.
But I'm nothing to you.
And you're a little bit of something to me.

Stop lying. Stop trying. Stop crying. It's pointless.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! You're pissing me off so much.
I want to go to your house since I know you'd never expect me and throw up in your pool.
And steal your basketball and LOL.
That's mean. I'm kidding. Truth is I lahv yah.
I hate how you always accidently dial my number.
Then I go "Hello? hellooooo?! HEY! >:["
Then feel stupid and hang up.