My stomach pisses me off

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wow. Now he even haunts my dreams.
Fuck man. I love dreaming, and now he haunts it.
I don't even want to sleep anymore.
I can't escape this even for 7 hours.
I don't know if they're nightmares. No blood, no gore.
But the feelings are so bittersweet and it makes me feel fucking pathetic.
I haven't been eating lately. I used to eat SO much.
I don't know what happened.
I have shitloads of stress piled on top of each other.
Hopefully, my left eyeball doesn't explode as well.
I have to go to school in like an hour to pick up my packet.
I'm going in my pajama pants. This is how low I'm sinking.
I'm practically living in my pajama pants these days.
I feel so sick. Waaaaah. Shit, what the hell is wrong with me?
Weren't my blogs all happy and random crap besides the occasional Sk shet?
Let's see. I miss Sophia. D:

Why was it you? That fooled me, lied to me, and tore me apart?
Why couldn't it have been you that was the one in pain right now?
Karma's a bitch. She came knocking on my door this time.
Wait till she knocks on yours. I hope she gives you hell.