
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Yeapp I totally look up to Kimberly now. It's amazing how she can play such a big fat hollow instrument.
I'm so stealthy, I'm typing while my nails are drying from nail polish that is plastered on.
I really really really want guitar lessons now. LIKE OMG! It's sooooo cool!
I even cut my nails short so I can play it tomorrow.
Oh and Kimberly remembered to gimme the flashdrive today. Yay! I still didn't look at it yet.
I'll do it as soon as my nails dry.
MY ARM AND LEGS HURT! They jeep cramping up like a mofoh.
*Does squinty face that Todd thinks is SO ugly*
It hurts hurts hurts. :[

Patrick Huynh and I are discussing the scary April Fools virus.
Patrick: Well once the group is found they will be destroyed. :p
Janice: LOL lets go kick ass
Patrick: Lol, or we can stay in our seats and let the CIA or whatever take care of it. xP
Jjanice: LOL.
Janice: they'd be busting through our doors checking our computers
Janice: and all they find is PORN, MYSPACE, and PICTURES OF OURSELVES!
Patrick: Janice if you have a video of you touching yourself, delete it now. :P
Janice: haha the CIA wishes i had a video like that. >:]
Patrick: LOL.

Credit recovery is getting so tiring.
I have a shitload of History to do.
My right arm is cramping up so badly. I bet it's cuhs those stupid fat textbooks.
I dropped my camera and I was so scared I broke it like my old one, but it recovered.
-wipes forehead in relief-
I'm cold. D:

Can't wait until spring break. (:

So damn strange

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm so glad I received the letter Sophia boo wrote me. I miss her quite terribly.
I'm gonna reply back soon! :D
I was in such a good mood after school today.
I ran 2 laps after school, and sat down and talked about boners, Pamela Anderson, and titty fucking.
Arimi says we're cool cuhs we know sophomores. How lame!
After school I really wanted Rite-Aid shoes, but Nhu left. D:
Then I saw Nancy! Yayyyy. We haven't seen each other since 8th grade so it was all "HUG!". I'm sucha queer.

Well it's sort of scary. About 10 minutes ago my stepmom was in a panic fit. Crying and yelling at my dad.
She said something about "hospital, force me, i want, leave, her."
AND I didn't even do anything horrible today to make her want me to leave.
I think my daddy was being mean to her and she started bitching about everything she could think of.
Sort of like JaniceYang&StevenKang fights.
"You hit me last time! You threw my bag! You left me crying! You liked 961 girls! You went trying to go to HER house on OUR one year anniversary and called me a bitch in Target! You didn't buy me food! You let that stupid slut, Ashleigh text me things that said she was making sweet sexy love to you! You broke your phone! Stop being nosy!"
"Well you're a whore! You always care about other people more than me! You're so fucking annoying! Bitch, go die. It'll make thers happy! Fuck you FUCK YOU! I love you more."
Yeah you get the idea. O_____O;;

I can't wait until Summer O9. I'm going to do so much stuff!
Things I mustmustmust do!
1. Go to DC and take a picture (specifically in blue jean shorts) next to the Washington monument. Visit all the Smithsonian museums and the zoo. Watch IMAX.
2. Ice skating, swimming at Fairfax Square, walking to A.C. Moore like the old times.
4. Make our special watermelon smoothie with Soo Lee. Proceed to playing with her ferret Bebe and eating Bebe's banana flavored ferret snacks. YEAH BITCHES I EAT FERRET FOOD.
5. Go to Tysons Corner with Ana. (:
6. MOM&MIMI! Family bonding.
7. Bake cookies with Hanna Yoon and burn them like old times.
8. Kimberly T! Margaret Lopez! ASDFGHJKL; Amelia Chung!
10. Sleep late and live those two months as fullest as I can; because it's my escape to happiness.

ANYWHOS! I also can't wait for spring break. (:
I think my profile looks so cute now! Yay. It has a few flaws, but eveything has imperfections.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Highlight of my Day: Watching Janice argue with a gay guy in P.E. & walking to 99cents store to buy notebooks but ended up stopping at McDonalds (GAHH! I know, it's against my morals. Desperate hunger calls for desperate measures) to order some stuff. Paid with changee and then climbed onto the playground toys to eat in there. Man we're rebels.

I love my boyfrand, Arimi Thao Tammy Nguyen,
Stalk her blogs:
(See Arimi? I'm even advertising you. That's how much I love you)
Yeap. Walking to McDonald's on Thursday was fun. (:
And that guy really is mean to me. >_______<
Right now is Earth Hour! I turned out my lights but my laptop's still on.
Buh I made my dad turn off the living room lights so it's all good. (:
Janice:I did. i turned off all my lights
It means all electricity
Well. I'm cheating. >:[
Lol. You suck
I love you too.<3
I'm waiting for Damian to send me the video of me eating my first chocolate covered strawberry.
It was amazing. Tasted sooo good.<3>Things I want to do in life:
1. Get straight A's.
2. Sleep wiff my biff.
3. Go to New York once I hit age 18.
4. Find all my old friends.
5. Play Guitar Hero.
6. Record a video singing Lucky with my exBFF
7. Get a job.
8. Learn to drive.
IDKK. So much more, but too lazy to list it.

Belly fat

I'm still a little upset about yesterday. I don't think I'll be unupset until spring break. =/
I ate Kentucky Fried Chicken and I got diarrhea. D:
My neck hurts.
Yesterday, I finally got my book!
I'm sucha nerd for being happy over receiving a book in the mail.
East by Edith Pattou. Somebody read it wiff me. :O Puhlease?!
It's my favoritestest book! It's sorta easy. Only over 400 pages.
I thought it would be super thick and hard, but I realized I read this book in 7th grade, and back then I wasn't as smart as I am now.
I love it so much!<3

Janice: omg you're so frustrating to talk to
Patrick: No I'm not. >:]
Patrick: You're just wrong
Patrick: And getting pissed.
Patrick: SPAM
Patrick: SPAM
Patrick: SPAM
Patrick: SPAM
Janice: I LOVE SPAM<3
What a jerk! LOL. xC I miss when he used to be so nice to me and give me hugs. :[

I had the weirdest dream ever today. :[ But then again, I always get weird dreams.
I want to make pancakes right now. And bake cookies with somebody.
And after, lie on the floor and play Sorry while eating our deformed pancakes and cookies.

One of those days.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I cried all the way to tutor. And I couldn't even find Trinh. :[
Now my eyes are sore.
But I beat Sam in Uno twice so cheered up a bit.
Not anymore. Home alone. I guess I can let it slip until my daddy's home.
I wanted to take a bath and cry and feel bad for myself, but I'm too lazy to screwdriver off the bath thingy and plug it.
I don't know. I don't.

I watched The Boy in Striped Pajamas today. It was so sad, I literally bawled through the end and up to fourth period.
I'm tired. My head is throbbing mad crazy. I lost my voice a little. I'm not hungry.

Intersection and car crashes

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


"Which one to choose? I'll walk this path with you now, until it twists and turns and I lose you as you walk towards your light of life, and I walk to my own light... or doom?"

This has nothing to do with cars or highways. It's the "metaphorical crap" girls use to make things sound cooler.
This has been a long walk for me and there's probably so much more distances I have to cover.
I'm only 14 years young and I'm already tired.
I'm hoping life is much better once I'm ungrounded, free from him, free from schoolwork, and taller.
I burned my tongue today. IT HURTHS!
I talked to Eugene oppa on the phone today. It's so strange.
Ten years ago, he was making me cry. I don't even know him anymore. How sad.
I've left so many things behind and it's totally bewildering to think of how life would be if you decided to stay on track and walk straight.
I wish I could bring back those days where I played outside on the streets and sidewalks of New York until night with Hannah Cho and her cousins.
I miss how there were two liquor stores on my long stretch of a block; each on the opposite ends.
I miss getting bagels and my ham and egg sandwich from that Deli across the street every Saturdays.
I miss living on 51-13 Skillman Ave.
I miss going over to Rudy's house to watch him play Mario on oldskool Nintendo.
I miss walking to church with my mom through "Pigeon Poop Park".
I miss yellow taxis, cars honking, people walking, fireflies.<3
Riding swings, scooters, neighbors with snakes, plucking leaves from bushes, climbing poles, running free, stepping outside to see Manhattan come alive, black gum patterns on sidewalks, Snapple tops, cootie games, walking to Toys R' Us, big fishies eating small fishies, snow angels, camp outs, hello kitty, abacus, eating dumplings in roller blades, jump roping, Capri Sun.

My memories are safe. I'll never forget. I'm going back as soon as I can to where my heart resides.

I talked to JJP today too.
Jinhee Jenny Park would definitely love to meet me, Jeehae Janice Yang, all over again.
Our second time meeting, we fell in love.♥ [Nohomo]
We were enemies in kindergarten, and then as we took baby steps from little kids to big kids, we became superduper close.
We used to play in Best Academy's bathroom and pretend we were Sailor Scouts.
Jenny was Sailor Moon, Serena, and I was Sailor Mini Moon, Rini.
We'd burn up poor little ants with hot water and run through sprinklers in playgrounds together.
We learned to ice skate together. We shared secrets and 5 hour long phone calls.
I miss her wiff all that I have. I miss her smiles, jokes, and sense of adventure.
We're like peanut butter and jelly && we're super tight like a virgin's vaginah!
When we were 6, we told everybody we'd get married. We're eloping on the Empire State Building when we're 20.

It's been so long since I've seen your face.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm tired tired tired tired. I miss my awkward bestfrand. :[ He was telling me about "A Bug's Life", but he kept getting the details all wrong. =/
I was talking on the phone wiff him, bothering him with my retarded "funny" stories.
After he hung up, I juss fell asleep and was later disturbed from my peaceful slumber at 9 when my dad came home and made me wake up to eat food. But the ham was good. :F

"why do guys masterbate"
that is so u !
I saw Quy Ho [kwee hoeee] today! I was his good luck charm. He won straight in a row!
I guess I shouldn't be proud of that becuhs that means GGHS won BGHS. Oh wells. Life goes on.
I'm so thirsty. WATERRRR!
I have so much school shit to complete these days.
I'm still grounded for a year. 2010 please come soon.
I'm glad the people I know are all old. ^____^
They can drive me around places when I don't have my permit yet. YAYYY!
I'm starting to dislike English real bad.
OhMyFrikkingGiraffe. I fucked up on my presentation SOOO BAD in Biology today.
How humiliating. )"= WAHHH. -Pounds the wall in agony- It's kay, I still got 97. (:
Credit recovery was blehh. We got a seating chart so I sit in the way front. Stuck with Mr. A and his laptop.
One day, I'm going to be a hobo that lives in the playground. The slide will be my bed.
Kevin looks super cool playing his trombone, but he can't play Yankee Doodle. >:O
AS FOR YOU GENTLEMEN-never ever talk to a lady like this.

Janice: you're a little retard
Janice: try again
Janice: <3
Todd: shut up slut
He's such a stupid boy. I make a Myspace for him, and he doesn't even know how to sign in. Whatta loser.
Lucky bastard's going to D.C. It's okays. I'm going on Summer O9.<3>

&& this concludes my day. ;]

I have a feeling

I won't be getting much zzzz's tonight.
I'm drinking sprite to not fall asleep. Does Sprite even have caffeine to keep you wide awake?
It's so tiring. So much History that had to be done. It pushed my whole schedule.
I'm so tired. I just want to crawl under the covers wiff my bestfrand and sleep until my scary dark circles disappear.
SIGH. "You gotta fight for love. Can ya make a fist?"
I have Geometry, Biology, English, and some more stupid History crap to work on.
It's becoming my 2nd least favorite class. French is the first.
UGH SO TIRED. And I was late to school today too. D:
&& I almost got jumped by scary beaners that were smoking in the tunnel.
Nhu and I were walking through and they were smoking nasty shit.
It smelled horrible! And I started laughing and I laughed through the whole tunnel and it was echoing.
And I almost peed myself. xD
And Nhu told me that they said they'd show me something to laugh at.
BLAAAAAAAH. Shitballs! It's 12:18 AM. TIRED. D:<> Bleh pas terrible!

221 days.

It's impossibly difficult;

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I want to fling myself off a cliff, and feel the adrenaline rush through my body before I hit the cold ocean floor.

1. Go to Knott's Berry Farm and ride all the rides we rode together. I'm gonna scream and scream and scream and let all those memories escape into the night air.
2. Listen to "Over It" by Katherine McPhee over and over again.
3. Dance in the rain one more time like I did in 2OO8. I'll prance around and laugh and twirl as the lightning flashes and the thunder roars. I'll let the rain drops wash my tears away.
4. Get another pair of free sample colored contacts so that random fob guys try hitting on me with the lame excuse of "I like your eyes..."
5. Shoot a seagull with a BB gun.
6. Lose all my tummy fat.
7. Go to a bonfire for the very first time. Prance around the fire in my little bikini and pretend I'm some maniac. Proceed to yodeling.
8. Learn not to be scared by scary movies.
9. Go to karaoke and sing my heart out.
10. Mia's birthday party!
11. Get my tongue stuck to an icy pole.
12. Finally go on that Photosticker&Loveletter date that I planned so long ago with Woojin.
13. Order Wienerschnitzel dogs and see if I like it.
14. Read a book that supposedly would help with Heartbreak.
15. Get my Photostickers back. >:[
16. Sneak my heart back from your hands into my chest.
17. Go to Soak City, float in lazy river, and tell myself you're bad with your fingers.
18. Invent a smoothie flavor and name it Premenstrual Surprise.
19. Go to Washington D.C.
20. Learn how to spin on ice.

There's no point. Watch. I'll get everything on this list done.
But I'll be going nowhere.
I'll still be walking on the same path to the doom of OUR future.

Or maybe not. Just gotta wait 224 more days.