
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm tired tired tired tired. I miss my awkward bestfrand. :[ He was telling me about "A Bug's Life", but he kept getting the details all wrong. =/
I was talking on the phone wiff him, bothering him with my retarded "funny" stories.
After he hung up, I juss fell asleep and was later disturbed from my peaceful slumber at 9 when my dad came home and made me wake up to eat food. But the ham was good. :F

"why do guys masterbate"
that is so u !
I saw Quy Ho [kwee hoeee] today! I was his good luck charm. He won straight in a row!
I guess I shouldn't be proud of that becuhs that means GGHS won BGHS. Oh wells. Life goes on.
I'm so thirsty. WATERRRR!
I have so much school shit to complete these days.
I'm still grounded for a year. 2010 please come soon.
I'm glad the people I know are all old. ^____^
They can drive me around places when I don't have my permit yet. YAYYY!
I'm starting to dislike English real bad.
OhMyFrikkingGiraffe. I fucked up on my presentation SOOO BAD in Biology today.
How humiliating. )"= WAHHH. -Pounds the wall in agony- It's kay, I still got 97. (:
Credit recovery was blehh. We got a seating chart so I sit in the way front. Stuck with Mr. A and his laptop.
One day, I'm going to be a hobo that lives in the playground. The slide will be my bed.
Kevin looks super cool playing his trombone, but he can't play Yankee Doodle. >:O
AS FOR YOU GENTLEMEN-never ever talk to a lady like this.

Janice: you're a little retard
Janice: try again
Janice: <3
Todd: shut up slut
He's such a stupid boy. I make a Myspace for him, and he doesn't even know how to sign in. Whatta loser.
Lucky bastard's going to D.C. It's okays. I'm going on Summer O9.<3>

&& this concludes my day. ;]