Intersection and car crashes

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


"Which one to choose? I'll walk this path with you now, until it twists and turns and I lose you as you walk towards your light of life, and I walk to my own light... or doom?"

This has nothing to do with cars or highways. It's the "metaphorical crap" girls use to make things sound cooler.
This has been a long walk for me and there's probably so much more distances I have to cover.
I'm only 14 years young and I'm already tired.
I'm hoping life is much better once I'm ungrounded, free from him, free from schoolwork, and taller.
I burned my tongue today. IT HURTHS!
I talked to Eugene oppa on the phone today. It's so strange.
Ten years ago, he was making me cry. I don't even know him anymore. How sad.
I've left so many things behind and it's totally bewildering to think of how life would be if you decided to stay on track and walk straight.
I wish I could bring back those days where I played outside on the streets and sidewalks of New York until night with Hannah Cho and her cousins.
I miss how there were two liquor stores on my long stretch of a block; each on the opposite ends.
I miss getting bagels and my ham and egg sandwich from that Deli across the street every Saturdays.
I miss living on 51-13 Skillman Ave.
I miss going over to Rudy's house to watch him play Mario on oldskool Nintendo.
I miss walking to church with my mom through "Pigeon Poop Park".
I miss yellow taxis, cars honking, people walking, fireflies.<3
Riding swings, scooters, neighbors with snakes, plucking leaves from bushes, climbing poles, running free, stepping outside to see Manhattan come alive, black gum patterns on sidewalks, Snapple tops, cootie games, walking to Toys R' Us, big fishies eating small fishies, snow angels, camp outs, hello kitty, abacus, eating dumplings in roller blades, jump roping, Capri Sun.

My memories are safe. I'll never forget. I'm going back as soon as I can to where my heart resides.

I talked to JJP today too.
Jinhee Jenny Park would definitely love to meet me, Jeehae Janice Yang, all over again.
Our second time meeting, we fell in love.♥ [Nohomo]
We were enemies in kindergarten, and then as we took baby steps from little kids to big kids, we became superduper close.
We used to play in Best Academy's bathroom and pretend we were Sailor Scouts.
Jenny was Sailor Moon, Serena, and I was Sailor Mini Moon, Rini.
We'd burn up poor little ants with hot water and run through sprinklers in playgrounds together.
We learned to ice skate together. We shared secrets and 5 hour long phone calls.
I miss her wiff all that I have. I miss her smiles, jokes, and sense of adventure.
We're like peanut butter and jelly && we're super tight like a virgin's vaginah!
When we were 6, we told everybody we'd get married. We're eloping on the Empire State Building when we're 20.

It's been so long since I've seen your face.