One of those days.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I cried all the way to tutor. And I couldn't even find Trinh. :[
Now my eyes are sore.
But I beat Sam in Uno twice so cheered up a bit.
Not anymore. Home alone. I guess I can let it slip until my daddy's home.
I wanted to take a bath and cry and feel bad for myself, but I'm too lazy to screwdriver off the bath thingy and plug it.
I don't know. I don't.

I watched The Boy in Striped Pajamas today. It was so sad, I literally bawled through the end and up to fourth period.
I'm tired. My head is throbbing mad crazy. I lost my voice a little. I'm not hungry.


Arimi said...

Lol. poor boo.
^^ <3
feel better babyyy