
Monday, April 13, 2009

Today I had the dopest whack ass dream ever! I'll go into further details in a bit.
My bestfriend called me to check up on me. I think? Whatta sweetie.<3

Three thoughts just popped into my head:

1. Roaming West mall and wandering inside Game Stop with AnthonyTran
to gape&point at the new Nintendo DSi.
2. Exhausted after getting in a fight with
StevenKang over WoojinChoi at Knott's which led to getting lost&crying, threatening to throw away my darling Pink Caterpillar he won me, losing&searching for NoelReynolds, only to walk to McDonald's and rush towards the Drive-Thru with GraceBaek to stomp on a half lit cigarette and sit on the curb laughing.
3. Being locked out with
MargaretLopez in front of her townhouse in Fairfax Square. Having a strange man lift me up to the window and try to break in, but gaining only dirty socks and a ripped window screen instead.

I'm immature and childish. Sometimes, the thought of forgetting age is what urges me on.

The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you.

So my dream was... hard to explain. Here it goes.

Deep in sleep. Wandering a supermarket; pushing a cart-looking for grapes. Cute guy worker helping me. Runrunrun out to the woods with my grapes. Baby. A baby. Gone. Home, screen door, cockroaches. Ten, twenty, thirty cockroaches on my screen door. Scream. Slam! Gone: flies away and shatters into dust. In my room. Doesn't look like my room. It's my room. Mom. Mom with long hair up in a bun. Mom... falls out the window. Throat slit. Emperor takes her away. No! Old days. No bikes exist except mine. I have a bike. Ride ride ride to the palace. Plan with dad. Dad runs. Gone. Alone under a chair. Emperor sees. Grins. Gleams. Grabs. I cry. Ask for my dad. I'm playing along fine. Asks for mom. Emperor believes I'm clueless until he spots my red bike. Yells. He's angry. Dad is taken away. Dad. Mom. Alone... Home again. Rides bike. Grabs emperor's servant and pushes her in the pool. She's screaming, sputtering, sinking. Gone. Bike gone. Scooter. Wobbly silver scooter with broken brakes. I like! I'm home. Sweating. Changes into a pink sweater and eats grape. Heads out on my wobbly scooter. Back at the palace. Is mom dead? Is dad okay? Dad. Over there. Mom. Mom is okay. Helicopter? Plane? A flying device. Green, small, perfect. Emperor's army plane is landing. Need to escape. Escape mom, dad. They run, launch off. Adrenaline. Engine isn't connected. Falling falling; four feet touches the ground. Lifts off and is up high. Engine roars and parachute opens. Wind blows. Smiles. Free. God calls? Dad calls? Bob calls? Who's Bob? Cockroaches. Red bike. Hair flowing, in the sky, smiles, snaps. Gone.

I know my writing makes no sense. It's how I remember my dream. It was whack!
Lol. Well I wanted to write it down. I hope you were sane enough not to read that mess up there.
Yeappppp. I look like shiett. D; I hope the swelling goes away by Tuesday night.