
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My title is soooo lame. Haha.
Well today the radiostation 106.7 decided to visit our school, but barely any students came to support it.
I went cuhs on the announcements, it said they would give out free stuff, but it got boring so Arimi, Sandy, and I left and went to our "little corner(:" as Courtney says a.k.a. the front of the school.
School was normal. Today Marjorie told me something abnormal and Jennifer and I gushed over it like the girls we are tend to do. ;]
Biology test was okay. My test version was 07 and seven is my lucky number so I felt pretty good about the test.
Credit Recovery, we took a test. Students wanted the notes up on the board, and the guy that sits next to me, Elias(I think) and I rock-paper-scissored with Mr. A to keep the notes on the board, but we both lost. So the notes were erased.
After, going to tutor, I came home and realized that I didn't have my keys! I barely got home juss now and it's like 8.
I called Jay Lee and asked him to open the door for me, and he let me stay at his house.
LMAOOO. He's so nice when he wants to be. You know I haven't seen him since like 4 months ago, and we're neighbors! That's juss sad. D=
First we were sitting on the sofa talking, and he would NOT tell me a story. >:[
So I told him a story with a refrigerator involved in the plot and I made him smileeee.(:
We were gonna play Brawl on his Wii, but his brother, Kenny let somebody borrow it. -.-;;
Kenny kept coming out to pee! He pees so much. He didn;t know I was there so I lied down on the sofa to hide and I could hear him pee and whistle. LOL. xD
Then I tried teaching Jay French, and he said I sound totally Asian accented. Grrr.
We went out so he could teach me to skate. I fail at doing olleys. He promised he wouldn't laugh, but he laughed at me while I was in my fail moments of attempting to skate and stumbling off the skateboard. I mean, I'm not so skillful like him.
I told him I was scared that I'd fall, and he was like, "So? I fall all the time." So I said, "You're a guy. You can man it up."
Then he came with a [lameee] comeback. "You're a girl. You can girl it up. Put some glitter on it!" Gosh.<3 Oh yeah! HE GOT SO FRIIKING TALL! Like no kidding! He got so tall, I reach his eyes now. :[ I used to be the same height as him. Ugh, I'm so short. I tried teasing his hair, but his hair is all silky lusciously like a girl's hair so it wouldn't stay. I want his hair! So undamaged!
Then we looked at his baby pictures! I'm the first non-family member to see them! I'm so special. :D He was so Q when he was a baby!
Bahaha. I feel bad cuhs I stayed at his house for like over an hour. x[ Then my dad came home and yelled at me for losing my keys; so I'm gonna go look for it.

My day was decent, but I think my mom's sick. (Cancer?) I pray for her every night. I want her to be healthy. :[