Cuhs loving you ain't that hard.

Monday, June 8, 2009

1. I've been in love with the song I'm Sprung by T-Pain ever since 5th grade.
2. I'm in a really bad mood right now. I think I'm going to cry. And also I didn't get to eat sushi today.
3. I hope my lucky number seventh kiss is special.
4. I really want to watch Hills Have Eyes. I've been craving to see mutated ugly people eating humans for the past week. I know, I'm corrupted. If I don't get to see it tomorrow, my week will suck.
5. I really should stop lagging and read about the fucking circulatory/respiratory system. It's soooo long though.
6. My intestines hurt because Nhu smacked me in my sensitive place today. :[
7. I rarely drink coke. It's all about Dr. Pepper. Lemme go get me a can of coke. I know it's disappointing.
8. I always wander about hallways and sidewalks feeling empty.
9. I've only been to Six Flags once. I've only been to Busch Gardens once. I've never been to Kings Dominion.
10. I'm really frightened when I turn on my blow dryer to high. I always put my back on the wall and sit down so I can see the mirror, closet door, and underneath the bed. So if something pops out to eat me, I can juss turn off my blow dryer.
11. I get excited over small things. Ex. nightlights. -____-
12. I have no idea where my future is heading, but I can't fucking wait for it.
13. I am dreadfully terrified of death. I wish I had someone to talk about my huge fear with. D:
14. I'm also scared of pregnancy, but that's okay. I can't wait to create a miracle and a baby one day.
15. I squirt bugs with body splash until they die or call my dad to kill them. If there's no other choice, I wrap my hands with a whole bunch of toilet paper, get a newspaper and whack the motherfucker til it's dead.
16. I really want stuff from Pinkygirl.
17. I'm so mad that all my parents do for me is feed me and send me to freaking tutor. They haven't bought me an item of clothing for over a year, so I have to literally starve myself so I can save money. They promised me allowance if I bought things I needed with it, but they stopped giving me my normal hundred and they don't even buy me necessities. How am I going to survive? D:
18. My dad told me I was going to get sick and die because I spent all day on the computer on weekends. What the fuck? You're the one that grounded me. It's your fault. I could be running around outside getting fresh air right now. >:O
19. I'm still really pissed at whoever stole my pink Etnies. Really pissed.
20. I find it disturbing that Mr.Tonthat has a fucking hickey. Yuck. I had no balls to ask him about it.
21. I really want that humongous expensive teddy bear from Morning Glory.<3
22. I'm still feeling sad even while I'm doing this. )=
23. My boobs hurt a lot these days.
24. No matter how much I spew about my dad, stepmom, and mom, I really do appreciate them and love them. They're juss really stupid unreasonable at times.
25. I really really wish I could ahve a sex talk with my mom.
26. I want to buy UP on DVD and I haven't even watched it yet. I'd probably cry watching it.
27. I miss watching The Land Before Time movies and fireflies.
28. It seems I'm always wishing for the past. The past is my obsession. I'm scared that even while I'm free of my parents' grasps, I'd look back to this year and yearn for it.
29. Todd's a creep. He imed me out of nowhere asking if I had a boyfriend. Pffft. ^_________^
30. I've always wanted to build a huge igloo in snow and go inside and pretend I'm an eskimo.
31. I love dogs. I don't think dogs like me.
32. I miss Mimi. Even if she used to hump my leg, scratch the shit outta me, make fun of my eyes, steal my food, and poop in front of my door on purpose so I'd step on it with bare feet.
33. I want to cuddle. So bad right now. I need cuddles when I'm sad. FML.
34. Who the fuck wants me? Creep. :[
35. I want to play Sorry. In a room with light colored, smooth wooden floors. And a window has to be on the side with sun shining through. I'd be so happy to play it with the guy I like at that moment I'm playing it.
36. Who the fuck is Young, and why would such a hot looking guy want to get with me? o___o Stop it Todd.
37. I lie. I lie a lot to protect myself from getting hurt. I've lied a lot to make myself look like a bitch so that person wouldn't know how much I hurt and what I felt + thought.
38. I'm pretty pathetic when it comes to guys. I make a fool out of myself.
39. I'm also a shallow bitch when it comes to guys.
40. He actually admitted he was staring at my boobs. Now he's asking me if that made me mad. No. No I'm not mad. I'm so darn used to it now. That's the only reason why you guys give me a second glance isn't it? I wish I was flat.