Headache and Sore feet

Friday, June 26, 2009

ARGHHH so damn tired. This blog is for my biff. And the girliefrand.
So like last night, I slept at around 1AM. This morning I fucking woke up at 9AM.
I was so tired and grouchy. >:[
I couldn't decide on what to wear. It was stressing me out.
I kept getting distracted by something in the sea.
After finally showering and straightening my hair, I imed Jay up and we walked to Arirang to get Lisa a gift.
My feet hurt so much! And fucking Jay didn't even help me and I bought him chips too. JERK.
At Arirang Market, I played the toy-crane machine game, and I won a TURTLE! Kinda ugly, but still.
Man, I swear I have killer skills at toy-crane machines. The claw grabbing shit, you know?
Jay came to my house and I ate my Teriyaki stick with my Arizona and he was making fun of me.
Then I walked to gf's house. But I got lost, and ended up talking to an old white man.
He was really nice. We talked about loud Vietnamese ladies, Korean markets, BGHS, fish, and Gran Torino.
After, I had to run my ass to Marjorie's house and THIS my friend, is where it gets bad.
Marjorie's mom was hella pissed cuhs she knew Marjorie's bf was gonna be there.
Well, when they finally came, I WAS FUCKING SQUISHED. We all were.
The backseat is meant for three passengers. Not four.
It was Ryan, me, Marjorie, and Marjorie's bf. I was dying.
You know what the best part is? I got in the car at about 5, I got out at 7.
Yeah, I spent two fucking hours cramped in the backseat of a smallass stuffy car.
I kinda felt bad cuhs the guy called Sleepy was driving around the whole entire place.
We were going on freeways and shit, and I was so confused and pissed the whole entire time. =/
I posted this part on FML, but I don't think they'd choose mine.
We ended up at West mall and shiet he started driving towards SanDiego, I was so scared.
Knott's was pretty fun. My head hurts a lot though.
I rode this scary Dragon Swing thing. Waaaaah so scary, and little kids were having fun.
P7010015.jpg Dragon Swing w/ Jason, Jeffrey, Julian, Nate, Thomas & Aaron image by marqcris
And after, we rode La Revolcion. Monica was my buddy. We got the scary side. I was screaming so loud.

After this was Jaguar. It was so scary, and this little girl was like laughing and stuff.
I'm such a pussy, but by that time, my head was like pounding.
After that, they went to ride this REALLY scary ride, so Kevin and I went to Camp Snoopy and rode Woodstock's Airmail. I was sitting next to these little girls and I was yelling "I'm scared Kevin!" And they laughed at me. D=
After was Silver Bullet. Silver Bullet never ceases to amaze me. I was smiling in the picture thing.
We rode it when it was dark out. I could see all the lights and cars up in the air. I fucking love it.
Then we went on log ride. Twice. Ahaha. I love the log ride, but I hate having to spread my legs!
Pony Express was the last ride. I love it too! xD
It was so tiring. My head hurt so much and my feet too. But I had fun.
I got home and showered and ate a late ass dinner. I still have a headache. )=