What am I supposed to do?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I was hoping you'd fall in love with me the second time I came around.

Today was SO tiring. I went out to eat with Ms.E at Brodard Chateau.
She dropped me off at my boyfrand, Arimi's house.
I had like massive diarrhea at her house because I ate too much at Brodard. It was so sad.
I even prayed to God to save me and help my tummy not hurt while sitting on the toilet.
After that whole scene was over, I talked with my boyfrand. I've missed her.
Then my dad said he was coming home early, so I rushed out.
I stopped by Sk's house.
The first thing he says to me when he sees me, "Why are you so short?"
I rushed to the bus station, but no bus was coming so I fast walked to the next bus station.
There was a 20 year oldish man waiting, so I asked him when the bus would come.
He started talking to me and shiet, and I told him I had to go home cuhs my dad didn't know I was out.
He asked me where I lived. Eeeek. I told him that I lived in the Korean district. D=
I also noticed he had a fucking erection when he was talking to me. So scary! T____T
I got off the bus and ran home and talked to bf on the phone.
Then my phone ran out of batteries and turned off on her. >:O
My dad didn't bring me sushi. ):
Well, I should start packing for Monday! && call my mommy.<3