Eggrolls for breakfast

Saturday, June 6, 2009

After my stepmom left, I rushed in the shower and got ready as quickly as possible.
After Hanna Jung called, I sneaked out wearing my new 4$ shoes. Those bitches hurt like hell. T0T;;
So we met up in front of Hanam Chain and went to go play pool.

It was soooo fun even though I fucking sucked! I was on Woojin's team; Hanna was on Danny's.
We had a practice round first, then the first round. We won on the first round because Danny hit the black 8ball in.
We decided on a best 2 out of 3 game and on the second game, Woojin and I were losing miserably.
Hanna and Danny had only one more ball left to shoot while we had 5.
We thought we were doomed (losers had to pay) until.... Hanna hit the black 8ball in. Automatic win!
The video took forever to load. Watch in the end, Woojin runs around in victory and we celebrate! :D
Oh and this video is the first round.

Woojin: they might have skillz but we have something even better than that...
Woojin: luck!
Hahaha. It was pretty fun. I played arcade games after with Hanna.

And after that we went to karaoke. Ding Dong Dang.

Then while Hanna and Danny were singing, Woojin and I tried on a whole bunch of wigs. It looks so funny. x]
I looked at it and I almost pissed on myself from laughing.

The guys restroom was super pretty with mirrors and I could see like a gazillion Janices and Woojins.

Then they walked me home, and on the way home
Danny piggy backed me for a while since my shoes were killing me.
And then it felt weird so I got off and we played Ninja while Hanna and Woojin made fun of us since they're jealous that they don't know how to play.
Danny smacked my hand super hard while playing Ninja. D=
Paco saw me limping home and he texted me asking what was wrong with my leg. HAHAH.
I got home and ate Lee's Sandwiches left over from the afternoon.
Whewwww. My feet hurt so much.